(2024) co-authored with Krämer, S. & Roski, S. Introduction: Difference-making and Explanatory Relevance. Philosophical Studies.
(2024) A Semantics for Moral Error Theory, Analysis (online first), (penultimate version here).
(2021) No Normative Free Lunch: Relevance and the Autonomy of the Normative Domain , Synthese 199, 13163–13186.
Edited Topical Collections
Topical Collection for Philosophical Studies. Co-edited with Stephan Krämer and Stefan Roski: Difference-Making and Explanatory Relevance.
Topical Collection for Synthese. Co-edited with Stephan Krämer and Stefan Roski: Hyperintensional Formal Epistemology.
Work in Progress
- "No Guide to Ground: Right-Making and Right-Makers" (under review)
- "Don't Mind the Gap: How Non-Naturalist Should Explain Normative Facts" (under review)
- "Against New Explanationism" (in preparation)
- "Directed Reasons" (in preparation)